The Fish List!

On the NH Fish and Game Department (NHFG) list of species occurring in New Hampshire there are 48 species of freshwater fish listed, and that was our goal when we started our quest.  Then after nine months of pursuit, a fisheries biologist said that two fish (blacknose shiner and tadpole madtom) were old records and likely don't live here anymore.  Also two species are endangered (brook lamprey and bridle shiner) so we won't go after those.  Now we still want to reach our original goal of 48 fish and as luck would have it, we have a work around! The NHFG list is missing some fish that can be caught in freshwater and we are going to count them (substitutions for the MIA four). Come on 48!
Green = Caught
Purple = Endangered (won't pursue)
Orange = gone, extirpated
Red = Still at Large

Current Count = 40 or 83% of goal.

*Alewife, #37, 5/20/12, Squamscott River, Exeter, Oak-planked Herring
Bass, Largemouth,  #23,  7/7/11, Taylor River, Hampton Falls, Blackened Black Bass, 
Bass, Rock - #18,  6/6/11, Center Harbor - Winnipesaukee, blog,
Bass, Smallmouth, #25 ,7/10/11, Merrimack River, Manchester, TBD
Bluegill, #6 , 2/27/11, Bellamy Reservoir, Madbury NH, - Panfried Panfish
Bullhead, Brown - #10, 4/30/11,  Pequawket Pond, Conway, Cajun Catfish
Bullhead, Yellow - #27, 7/15/11, Pow Wow River, Newton, xx/xx/11, Southern Fried Catfish
Burbot - #1, 2/11/11, Center Harbor on Lake Winnipesaukee, Poor Man's Lobster
Carp - #39, 6/11/12, Merrimack River, Manchester, Gefilte fish
Creek Chub - #40, 7/1/12, , TBD

Chub, Lake -#21 6/12/11,Pequaketet Pond,Massachusetts Endangered Chub Chowder, blog
Chubsucker, Creek,,,,
Crappie, Black - #5,  2/27/11, Bellamy Reservoir, Madbury , - Panfried Panfish
Dace, Blacknose - #31, 8/14/11, Ellis River, Dace Kabob
Dace, Longnose,,,,
Dace, Northern Redbelly,,,,
Darter, Tessellated,,,,

Eel, American - #19,  2/27/11, Exeter River, Exeter, Batter-fried Eel, blog
Fallfish - #7, 2/27/11, Pequawket Pond, Conway, Fallfish Fish Cakes
Goldfish -#34, 9/20/11, The Castle Pond, Brentwood, 
Killifish, Banded

Lamprey, American Brook [endangered]
*Lamprey, Sea - #20,6/11/11, Merrimack River, blog
Madtom, Margined - #28, 7/16/11, Merrimack River, Manchester, Madtom Mousse
Madtom, Tadpole (Not seen for decades in NH)
*Mummichog - #35,  9/25/11, The Depot, Hampton Falls River, Hampton Falls
Perch, White - #12 ,2/27/11, Center Harbor,  Panfried Panfish, blog, storyPerch, Yellow - #2, 2/27/11, Lake Osssipee, Effingham SandwichPickerel, Chain - #9,  4/17/11,Taylor River, Hampton Falls, Pickled PickerelPickerel, Redfin - #16,  5/4/11, Taylor River, Hampton Falls, ,blogPike, Northern - #36, 2/17/12Connecticut River, HanoverPumpkinseed - #14 , 2/27/11, Center Harbor, Panfried Panfish, blog*Salmon, Atlantic - #8, 4/11/11, , maple-glazed Salmon SteaksSculpin, Slimy - #32, 8/29/11, Small Brook on Artist Falls Rd - Conway,Shiner, Blacknose (dubious record, only one record in the 1930's)Shiner, Bridle [endangered species]Shiner, Common - #17 , 5/29/11, Lamprey River, Raymond, Hickory Smoked Shiner, blogShiner, Golden - #13 , 2/27/11, Center Harborr, xxxx, Panfried Panfish, blog,Shiner, Spottail - #29 ,7/9/11, Connecticut River, Colbrook, TBD*Smelt, Rainbow - #3, 2/20/11, Oyster River, Durham, Smelt FrySucker, Longnose
Sucker, White - #11, 5/5/11, Meredith Falls, Meredith, Fried Sucker Nuggets
Sunfish, Banded - #38, 6/xx/12, Taylor River, Hampton Falls, Broiled Banded Sunfish - Bandito Style
Sunfish, Redbreast - #26 , 7/10/11,Merrimack River, Manchester, TBDTrout, Brook - #22, 7/12/11, Swift River, Conway, TBD, blogTrout, Brown - #15 , 5/29/11, Lamprey River, Epping, Cracker Encrusted, blogTrout, Lake - #30, 8/10/11, Lake Winnipesaukee, Bacon-wrapped Trout NuggetsTrout, Rainbow - #4, 2/28/11, Lake Ossipee, Effingham,Trout BallWalleye - #33, 9/10/11, Connecticut River, Chieftain Motor Inn, Hanover, Cheesy Walleye FilletsWhitefish, LakeWhitefish, Round - #24 ,7/9/11, Connecticut River, Colbrook, Grilled Whitefish
*not on original NHFG list


  1. How about Landlocked Salmon?

  2. Good question, we caught one last April, this fish comes from NH Fish and Game and Atlantic Salmon is anadromous so they list it seperately, but it reminds me we need to update this... Thanks

  3. So green is caught , purple is endangered, does red mean you have not caught it? I am a fly fisherman in Haverhill, Ma and would love the opportunity to go fishing with you guys while you are onthe quest

  4. call me crazy, but when times get tough, I pursue fallfish for the frying pan... fry those bad boys up in some cornmeal breading, incredibly good, very mild and flaky. I think you guys should cook all the fish the same way to see if they are good or not, because if you had never eaten crappie before (too bad we all eat piles of it) and you grilled it, you would say crappie is a bad tasting fish, but just to tackle that long list of fish is pretty cool, maybe round #2 could be all the same recipe? lol :) check out my blog if ya have a chance,

    1. Fallfish were one of our biggest surprises, terrific, we made fishcakes and loved them! We are well aware of how we messed up the crappie recipe, but that was part of the adventure. We considered cooking all the fish the same (and it would have been easier) but we are writing a book (should be out in 2013) so mixing up the recipes seemed like a better idea... in 2013 we are starting another fishing quest so stay tuned... and thanks for the the mean time follow us on facebook
