Clay Eats Surstromming and is Interviewed by the If It Swims Podcast.
Buckle up and grab your barfbags, you're going to need them for this episode
Clay Eats Surstromming and is Interviewed by the If It Swims Podcast.
Buckle up and grab your barfbags, you're going to need them for this episode
Erik is an editor for the huge environmental news site Mongabay, which has 5 bureaus around the world reporting in 6 languages daily.
He also produces their podcasts, available in English, Spanish and now French too.
The main show, the Mongabay Newscast, won an award for coverage of how Indigenous communities’ traditional ecological knowledge is important to conservation, as important as western science, and how these 2 are being used together more and more,
Last month we published an episode that won’t win an award because it’s not a sexy topic like that, but it is fishy:
‘These stories deserve to be told’: Shining a light on secretive fisheries managers
There are 17 regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) responsible for regulating the fishing of various commercially valuable species across vast swaths of the ocean. Their members meet regularly, but their decisions aren’t often well-publicized, due to a lack of journalists in attendance.
But Mongabay reporters show up, even though they wish we didn’t: “Our presence at these meetings is not really welcomed, and that’s a problem,” a staff writer said
RED HERRING - Trump says Delta Smelt to blame for LA Water Issues
Salmon farms under fire on U.S. East Coast after being shuttered on West Coast
And on a more personal note, I was in the Galapagos reporting for Mongabay and the health of the fish and wildlife populations was incredible, big marine protected area surrounding all the islands, I saw so many big beautiful fish during our dives – fishing is allowed only with a guide and it’s all catch and release, some locals are allowed to fish for a few species
As Gálapagos ecotourism booms, top naturalist guide urges sustainability
Clown Fish Sex
It is TWO shows in one with an hour of regular stuff including a kick A piece on cold water fly fishing from Jeff Dannaldson the Fish Nerd Librarian and a little over an hour of fun gift ideas and product reviews from Doc, Fish Wrap, Clay, Rosie and yours truly. Mix up a bowl of Holiday cheer or just reach in the 'fridge and grab a beer to enjoy our last show of the year!
CH owes NH an apology. They had the first no lead law.
FN FB Group is the best-I like that it is small. I used to belong to about a dozen fishing topic groups, quit them all. When groups gain big membership in come the AH’s with attitude-Ultralight Fishing Enthusiasts for example
Fishing- warm fall good fishing
Joe Henry Keep it Clean 20 min
FITN 30-40 min Lure story saga that lead to a combo inline spinner/slab spoon known as the White Tornado most interesting to me was the reason one sees a bit of red or fluorescent tubing on the shank of inline spinner hooks is to draw a strike at the hook rather than have them ping the blade-sometimes one does not want the drag or production expense of a dressed hook. A very detailed geek out.
SteelShad Bottom Blade-a new twist on the old Silver Buddy-bass of all species, black bass or temperate bass will pick a blade bait laying flat on the bottom. It is a good lure for when baitfish like shad are experiencing cold shock die off or when white bass and so forth are smashing baitfish on the surface, a lot of crippled shad or shad parts drift down to the bottom. But to mimic a feeding shad SteelShad has a stand up version of their blade bait. The lure body can swing up and down within the head weight thus standing up on the bottom like a feeding baitfish. It gains some extra rattle too. SteelShad has a lot of great designs including glow in the dark models
Fish Crime:
Deighan Cherry Fishing’s own Gretta Thunberg 30 min
Thanksgiving Lure Love Segment 10 min
Thank yous
Wally Pleasant, Diana’s Bath Salts, Track Tribe for “Greaser” intro to Keeping it Clean with Joe Henry, Nana Kwabena for “She No Dull Beat” intro to our conversation with Deighan Cherry, Joe Henry, Deighan and Jud Cherry, Tim “Tackle Box” Bete for submitting our FITN stories, Lucy the Lure Love Supercomputer for sharing that Lure Love segment with us, our families for putting up with us in all our fish nerdy ways but especially you the listener for bringing your ears right on in here and letting us fill them up with fish stuff…
Credits: The Fish Nerds Podcast is the creation of Dave Kellum and Clay Groves, Clay Groves is our Chief Executive Fish Nerd and Host, John “Crappie Hippie” King is our Producer and Co-host, our associate producers are Todd Corayer “The Fish Wrap Writer”, our Fish Nerd Librarian Jeff Danaldson, Tim “Tackle Box” Bete and shining brightly above all this unwashed rabble is our radiant star the one and only Doc Martin.
The challenges of Fall fishing
Tonight’s show run down
Fishing Reports 15m
Hatcher Bros Erin (@femboyfishing) and Michael (@srien_string_and_stream) are catching smallies and trout and the occasional walleye in the Ozarks
Steve NcAngler says trout season is over in The White Mountains but one can still dredge up some nice browns in the catch and release section of the Androscoggin. He’s catching bass these days on Sneaky Pete’s (topwater bullet head popper with a flared skirt and trailing sili strands) and for subsurface he likes Dragon Tails (a tail material called sili worm behind a built up head, originally cut down “Squirmy” toys)
The Driftless-some streams closed for the Fall spawn but plenty of creeks are open to catch and release and the tourists have gone home. Fishing is solitary and they’re smashing the terrestrials, some drys and streamers.
Joe Henry Fishing at Lake of the Woods is on fire!!! 6m
FITN 10min
John Gierach
passed from a heart attack October 3rd 2024
Apache Trout Success:
Maine Bans Painted Heads:
Laura Williams Maine Audubon Society 30 min
Show pt. 2 Halloween
Scary Fish: 15-20 min
Zombie Salmon-Yes they are catchable, some fight some do not, the scariest thing i have ever felt sorry for short of Frankenstien. I find the grip and grin photos with them disquieting.
Peter Herman Adventures-
Candiru-sent in by our own Jeff Danaldson
This is the one that legend says swims up one’s urine stream right into the urethra. It has never been confirmed. In 1997 one was removed from a man’s urethra but the circumstances were “suspect” which is a story just made for Fish Nerds.
Stonefish-this one scared the heck out of me when I was a little kid. The most venomous fish of all.
other entries:
The Kraken
Angler Fish
Goblin Shark
My FAVORITE from Steve NcAngler is “the fish you hooked but never saw.” It could have been anything!
Listener spooky stories and other fisher freak outs: 15-20min
62% of respondents have had a weird or spooky incident on the water.
25% said it started scary but turned out to be something ordinary
CH and the turtle
My Wife and I were trolling for Kokanee Salmon. It was just before dark and we had the only boat on the water. It's a small reservoir in Montana. The water was like glass it was so calm. As we got out to the middle the water swirled next to the boat like a whale turned next to us. The swirl was as big or bigger than our boat. It was extremely creepy so we headed to the dock! Still not sure what the swirl was caused by but maybe an under water spring... It was in 50' of water though.
I'm the only person at this lake. You know the sound of a rod wishing through the air on a hard cast? Yeah that sounds happened in the wooded area behind me just once like a cast. Only similar sounds I've ever heard is bigger birds wings. I looked no birds anywhere no turkeys roosting in trees for the night. The sun was setting at this point. I didn't see anything but it was real close. My only other thought cause a bunch of neighboring property dogs were all fired up a few minutes earlier and they had settled down just before I heard it. Never heard bobcat hiss in person but at that point since they are in that area is all I could think and why the dogs were fired up. So I hurried the hell out of there. I'm not tangling with big kitty if that's what it was.
Well I grew up in Salem Ma and used to fish a cemetery pond so I’d go with yes
I was fishing the first beach at Sandy Hook in Jersey one late September. When I got to the parking lot and not another car in sight. I set up, soaking clams on two rods before sun-up. As the pre-dawn light began to show over the horizon, a THICK bank of fog rolled in. Slack tide and zero wind…very peaceful but not expecting anything spectacular.
Suddenly, about 500 seagulls that had been resting on the roof of the bath house lifted into the air and began to dive nosily into the surf. The fog was so thick I couldn’t see them, but I could hear them, not 20 yards off the beach. Figuring a blitz of snappers, I sent a 3-ounce Yo-Zuri popper into the fog and immediately came tight on what turned out to be a 12lb Albie. As I was fighting this fish, the fog began to lift and I could see I was surrounded by 25 to 30 other surfcasters. I had no clue how they suddenly appeared as this stretch of beach is wide open, so I would have seen them before the fog came in. No one spoke and the only sounds were screaming gulls and drags as we all enjoyed a rare mix of blues and albies for the next 30 minutes in a classic fall blitz.
As the action died down, the fog rolled in again and I appeared to be all alone again. Since I was tired and a little spooked by the mornings events, I packed up my gear and headed back to the parking lot. Just like when I arrived, mine was the only car there. I have no idea where the other fishermen came from or how they disappeared and to this day, I’m not entirely convinced they were actually there.
Aliens prefer fishers:
Pascagoula UFO Abduction
See Entry 12:
Charles Hickson 42 Calvin Parker 19 Went fishing on the Pascagoula River Mississippi October 11th 1973
On the evening of October 11, 1973, 42-year old Charles Hickson and 19-year-old Calvin Parker went fishing on the west bank of the Pascagoula River. As dusk fell, they heard a whirring/whizzing sound and saw flashes of blue light on the water. They looked up to see an oval-shaped object approximately 30-40 feet across and 8-10 feet high. Three creatures came gliding out of the craft and took them aboard. Completely paralyzed but still conscious, the two men were subjected to a medical exam by a giant robotic eye. They were then returned to shore, and the craft sped away into the night sky.
Both changed their stories over time. Parker said he passed out but later claimed to remember certain details. Hickson kept altering his story. The original polygraph on Hickson was given by an untrained operator as part of a commercial deal and there is speculation that it never really took place.
Drinking was believed to be part of the incident.
Hypnagogic dream
paroxysmal sleep-related disorder incubus syndrome
both fall in the category of parasominias
Still one of the best UFO stories out there. There is a commemorative plaque marking the spot on the Pascagoula River where the incident took place
Should have been fishing
Thank Yous:
Wally Pleasant for our show theme, Diana’s Bath Salts for our Fish in the News theme, Dan Henig for his nice little tune Savannah Sunshine which we used on our chat with Laura Williams, Laren Duski for her instrumental Rollin’ which we used to on the Lake of the Woods fishing report, Joe Henry for bringing us that report, Steve NcAngler and the Hatcher Brothers for their fishing reports, Laura Williams for being a lead free fishing ally, Chris Snograss, Alan Dumitrescue and John Murphy for their spooky fishing tales, Rick Webster for his legion of spirit surf casters story but especially you the listener for bringing your ears right on in here and letting us fill them up with fish stuff.
Fish Nerds is the creation of Diabolical Dave Kellum and Clay “Lamprey Mouth” Groves, Clay is also our Chief Executive “Flesh Eating” Fish Nerd, our producer and co-host is John “Jabberwocky” King, our demon horde of associate producers are Jeff “Devil Fly” Dannaldson, Todd “Black Cat” Corayer, Tim “Terror Hook” Bete and the cute friendly Wendy type witch flying above the wrack is our own Doc Martin.
Code of the Fish Nerds
Looks like we made a podcast
10 min
John’s travels: Bluegill quest and first MA trout
Non fishers taking a polite interest in fishing…it gets complicated fast
computer woe
Jeff on his Alaskan Adventure 30 min
FITN: 15-20 min
Bye Bye Lil’ Gremlin…
Brittany Howard 25-30 min
Vamos a Pescar 15min
The Fish Nerds podcast is the creation of Dave Kellam and Clay Groves, Clay Groves is our Chief Executive Fish Nerd and show host, John Crappie Hippie King is our producer and host, our associate producers are Jeff Danaldson the fish nerd librarian, Todd Corayer the fish wrap writer you can find his column at fish wrap, Tim Tackle Box Bete and of course the shiny gem in this stream bed of mossy rocks our Chief Science Correspondent Doc Martin.
We would like to thank Wally Pleasant for our show theme, Diana’s Bath Salts for our Fish in the news theme, Reed Mathis and the band Bird Creek for our story music, Tim Tackle Box Bete for sending in most of our news stories for this episode, Jeff Danaldson for letting us in on his big adventure to Alaskan salmon country, the crappie stopper Kim Burnett, Austin Smith, Doc Martin, Phil Taunton and all the fun, kind folks with the Emporia chapter of i vamos a pescar fishing education organization, all those who study fish, manage fisheries, stand up for ethical fishing behavior and conservation as well as those who enforce the laws and regulations that protect our irreplaceable resources and especially you the listener for bringing your ears right on in here and letting us fill them up with fish stuff. Tight lines and valentines to you all for listening to my first solo effort.
Well what do you know, it looks like I just made a podcast
Bristol Bay
Quick throw back to Fishing Austin and Central Texas-Aaron’s spots are his favorite wades. A boat can change the game (as he mentions). John Geirach in his 1994 book Dances with Trout describes a good paddle in his little canoe where he has a fine time catching bass and such back in the days before the surge. Both the rivers he diddles around on are in Aaron’s book (Nueces and Guadalupe)
The Show-We are going to monthly. We cannot worry about what other podcasts do or what the pundits and experts say is necessary to have a good podcast. That’s fine for people who want to follow formulas that make money and content is dictated by what sells. We could do an a-hole POV podcast like that guy joe rogaine or yet another crime podcast but we are hardcore indie. And we are about fish fishing and eating fish. We do not follow any rules and never have. We do not have a narrow niche, we do not have a regular format (we do have a loose framework currently) and try as we might we do not have consistent release dates scheduled precisely. We are punk rock and while our production limitations are not the result of chemicals and ego they are the result of raising families, founding businesses, doing research and dividing our creativity and energy as best we can over any number of projects, in other words doing our thing. And Fish Nerds is one of our things. And so it survives and we keep casting pod and rod! Clay and his ever evolving merry band of helpers have broadcast this pod since 2011! So please enjoy the show, we have made all the segments a bit longer than usual just to tide y’all over. We may get some bonus material done, we made not. One thing that never has changed is we got the best dang listeners in the podcasting universe and we sure appreciate you stopping by to get your ears filled up with fish stuff. Now let’s get after it!
Jeff-does a quick show summary
Two Old Farts Talk Fishing-TTBB and CH on Ultralight Fishing 40m
FITN: 15-20m
Jeff: this is yet another instance of how pharmaceuticals (illicit or otherwise) are ending up in aquatic food chains.
Fish in the Pants Two Stories:
Jeff you know what that sound means! and yes it is a Florida man story
If you name your daughter Crystal she probably gonna be a wild thing. It’s a pretty name but dang if i have known a bunch of women named Crystal all of which could be talked into a bad idea pretty easy. At least Ms. Dixon had the sense to dump “Cruz” and ge the hell out of Dodge
Jeff: Way back in my misspent youth as an aquarist I used to keep and breed Ram cichlids (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi). They are very easy to breed in captivity, maybe Cruz was just gathering stock for a side hustle as a cichlid breeder!
Cute Story-
FEMBOY!!! 30-40m
Intro in with a brief description of the channel Jeff or John
Culinary Corner 8-10m
Fish Taco Talk
The Fish Nerds Podcast was created by Clay Groves and Dave Kellum, Chief Executive Fish Nerd is Clay Groves, our Producer is John Crappie Hippie King, our associate producers are Todd Corayer The Fish Wrap Writer (be sure and catch his column at Fish Wrap, Tim Tackle Box Bete, Jeff The Fish Nerd Librarian Danaldson and our fair flower in this field of weeds our Chief Science Correspondent the one and only Doc Martin.
Thank Yous:
Wally Pleasant show theme, Dianah’s Bath Salts FITN theme. The 126’s for the intro and exit music for FEMBOY, Mysterious Baitcaster Cylinder for our CC music, Tim “Tackle Box” Bete (pron like Pete), Lucy the Super Computer,Erin and Michael, Tracy Nicole Lewis, Glasswater Angling Lead Free Fishing, check it out at but especially you the listener for bringing your ears right on in here and letting us fill them up with fish stuff.
Spawn early and often (John)
Never trust a free lunch with strings attached (Jeff)
And swim against the current every chance you get (John)
Jeff-Looks like we just made a podcast
Maine Audubon is back and Laura wants to come on the show. It is so hot I want to go gar fishing.
Fly Fishing Austin and Central Texas by Aaron Reed Imbrifex Review
A couple of things from Luke Chamings 1
Shark attacks-global climate change
Yellas-Austailian white bass/crappie/smallmouth aka Golden Perch
ROCKY’S CHOICE GAME SHOW to pick the Father’s Day contest winners
Thank Yous: Wally Pleasant, Dianah’s Bath Salts, Tim “Tackle Box” Bete, Aaron Reed and Imbrifex Books, Kathy King, Rocky Joe the Wonder Dog, All those who participated in the Father’s Day contest and especially you the listener for bringing your ears right on in here and letting us fill them up with fish stuff.
Crappie Hippie talks to Clay about picking spots to take people and how he avoids wearing them out AND 4th of July plans.
John falls into The Catfish Bait Marital Peril Gambit
John brings us his first Field Report from Fishing Clinic
2024 Outdoor Participation Trends Report 15-20m
Trout Burgers 5
Thank Yous
Wally Pleasant, Dianah’s Bath Salts, Mysterious Baitcaster Cylinder, The Mini Vandals for Shine Your Little Light, Scott Nahodil, Tim “Tackle Box” Bete, Susan Schmidt and all the kids and parents from the Vamos a Pescar Fishing clinic, our own families and especially you the listener for bringing your ears right on in here and letting us fill them up with fish stuff.
Don't forget to enter our Father's Day raffle, just call 607-378-FISH and yoo're in!
Sobering Report on Migratory Fish:
Rare Ocean Sunfish Found on Oregon Beach:,known%20as%20an%20American%20eel.
The Elver Smugglers
Rosie Interviews Mr. Andy, kids book author Andrew Wiener
Make sure to mention the upcoming auction for Reeling in Serenity and the Rosie and Daddy Sunday, September 1st
CULINARY CORNER with Joe Henry and Crappie Hippie
FATHERS’ DAY CONTEST-end in a story about fishing with your Dad or if that is not where it is at then talk about a father figure or Dad’s talk about fishing with your kids. We will pick a winner of a Glasswater Tee-Shirt and some lures, weights and such 50 bucks total, second prize is 20 worth of merch and third prize is ten bucks worth. And I will send out small prizes to everyone who enters. We are going to run the contest starting now through June and start playing responses as soon as we start getting them. We will pick the winners in July. How to: Hit the mic on the website or call 607-378-FISH 607-378-3474 or record it on your phone or other gear and email it to clay at or crappie hippie at crappiehippie
Doc’s Field Report from Florida Shark Tagging Training w Dr. David Shiffman 1
England Needs the EPA!
Latest on Spinning Fish Mass Mortality in Florida sent in by Luke Chammings-
Macho IDIOT- Tim
A MORON never thinks it through- Tim
Smoking is bad for your health but it can help catch losers- me
Clay’s Interview 2 Alden Wicker book “To Dye For-how toxic fashion is making us Sick and how to fight back,”
Fish Wrap has a new article out:
hanks to Wally Pleasant, Dianah’s Bath Salts, Doc Martin, Tim “Tackle Box” Bete, Luke Chammings,
This week on the show John and Clay share recent fishing adventures and chat about Work and bluegils and frogging frogging.
We have Pond Talk-some algae insights from TOPL The Oklahoma Pond Lady Amie Robison
Fish in the News
Happy Sea Lions-
Shrinking Fish-
Crappie Stopper Kim Burnet is with us!
Local Legends ep. 1-24-2019
CRAPIE HIPPIE is almost caught up at Glasswater and order turn around has returned to normal 1-5 days. Crappie Duellers both regular and Big Bite are on sale for $3.82 in May
The white bass run was almost on existent-bummer-we tried the dam at a local reservoir Melvern because the river flow was so low, total windburn, zero fish. but the bluegills are moving to the bedding areas and starting to make nests the beat goes on! The bass were on fire at Linda’s Lake
Audio diary of folly beach
Fish In the News
Meg Carney Outdoor Minimalist 10 part series “Forever Chemicals” PFAs (this is info for April)
#1 Chemistry Podcast for two weeks
Top 20 science podcasts in the US
Homepage feature on Apple podcasts
Number 23 and climbing on Apple Science Podcasts
one needs to sign up but it is free
Joe Henry interview
Culinary corner Blu Jays crab Rangoon and whiting fish cakes
Thank you Wally, Diana’s Bath Salts, the Groves Girls: Zoe, Blu-J and Kristen, outdoor writer Joe Henry, Tim “Tackle Box” Bete for suggesting so many awesome FITN stories and getting Joe Henry for us, Meg Carney of the Outdoor Minimalist Podcast but most of all you the listener for bringing your ears right on in here and letting us fill them up with fish stuff.
Big Show as always in this episode Tim Reviews some fishing products, we Bring you the Fish in the News including a discussion of fishing during the eclipse
news links
We chat with Rosie about new flies
Tim is with Creek Life and Doc Martin has a song about Dace
This week we talk about packing for fishing trips, Tim Bete takes us to the Cincinnati Fishing Expo, We bring you Fish in the News, Todd is here with the Culinary Corner and we learn how to smoke bluefish, AND Jeff tells us cool stuff about tying flies with artificial Rabbit Fur! Take a listen!
New Listener-FBUntapped Flyfishing-eat the invasives PA (Savage River Trophy Mile in Maryland, keep the rainbow trout)
Marine Biologist Answers Fish Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED (first question is on Finding Nemo LOL) Kory Evans is part of a group of scientists on WIRED that answer fish questions
Jeff Faux Rabbit Fur Furled Fox Tail flies 10m
Glasswater is booming, Daggerfish. Also we are up against our spring mouse invasion (happens every spring and fall) Does Clay get a seasonal mouse invasion? TTBB Tackle ReviewWorden’s Rooster tail (now owned by Yakima Baits) selling spray scent that will not gum up feathers (hair jig lovers take notice) which is made by Pro Cure which are scents Lure Love highly endorsed FITN
Florida Keys experiencing fish kill issues and erratic fish behavior: Myxobolus cerebralis. protozoan that causes whirling disease
dinoflagellate called Gambierdiscus:
The dinoflagellates (Greek δῖνος dinos "whirling" and Latin flagellum "whip, scourge") are a monophyletic group of single-celled eukaryotes constituting the phylum Dinoflagellata[5] and are usually considered protists. Dinoflagellates are mostly marine plankton, but they also are common in freshwater habitats. Their populations vary with sea surface temperature, salinity, and depth. Many dinoflagellates are photosynthetic, but a large fraction of these are in fact mixotrophic, combining photosynthesis with ingestion of prey (phagotrophy and myzocytosis).[6][7] source: wikipedia
Magnet Fishers are the BOMB: magnet fishing FN eps-FN 214 (brief) Reid Irrationally Exuberant Podcast and FN 261 with Jeril Arsino and Scuba Sonja in depth story submitted by yours truly
David Lyons Tackling Minds
Fish Wrap Writer and Crappie Hippie take the helm this week as Clay is fighting the plague!
They talk with Native Fish Coalition Bob Mallard and bring you the news!
Enjoy the show
FITN Rutilus pigus
Bob Mallard Executive Director of the Native Fish Coalition
Rated R warning
What makes one want to see a video more than for someone to say “don’t watch this video”?
Make a bed and something will lie in it…and have sex
Nobody wants to do-it in a dirty bed…
Trans Fish winner:
Nat Geo article on the little 3” Chalk Bass that can change gender and does so often up to twenty times per day.
Secret Sex Lives of FISH (FISHERIES BLOG)
Pirate Perch -
LL V-Day skit-Crappie Hippie buys Kathy a gift
Whitney buys Jeff a real nice gift-isn’t it romantic?-
Thank Wally Pleasant, Diana’s Bath salts, all these fabulous environmental warriors out in CA and elsewhere, the LL podcast, Jeff and especially Whitney Davidson who makes her husband feel like a king.
Intro: 5-10m
Prizes and consolation prizes-have everyone except Kevin. Kevin get a hold of me love your bit on reel arrogance!
I am on it
FITN: Klamath River Dam Removal
Teen Arrested For Taping Fish To ATMs: KSL says a Provo, Utah teen was recently charged for taping fish to ATMs around town. The teen's Instagram account, "fish_bandit84," gained a following of 52,000 people. Police believe his fish videos were meant as a joke and to gain followers. The teenager once taped a fish to a Provo police car. He caused minimal damage.
Wisconsin Free Fishing Weekend:
totoba Fish Laundering:
Below is a wikipedia entry about totoaba and why it is an endangered species. The damming and overuse of the Colorado River has changed the salinity of the totoaba spawning grounds. That is severely affecting the totoaba population. They are a slow growing fish that does not spawn until it is 6-7 years old. Also, the Chinese use totoaba bladders in “traditional medicine” which can sell for 20,000 each. Their own related species the bahaba is in very short supply so they have switched to totaba.
Doc and the Fish Kill Boys:
1. More information about fish kill causes can be found at: https:/ /
Management-Program/ Producing-Fish-and-Wildlife-in-Kansas-Ponds
2. If there appears to be a harmful algal bloom (HAB) present at an HOA or private owner pond information can be found at the Small Business Environmental Compliance Assistance page posted by the K-State University Pollution Prevention Institute at: https://
3. If a citizen suspects a harmful algal bloom is present on a public water body (creek, river, pond, or lake), HABs can be reported to KDHE via an ArcIS survey123 survey found on KDHE's HAB webpage at: /Harmful-Algal-Blooms
4. Fish kills can be reported to the 1 of the 6 District Office. Contacts for KDHE can be found at the KDHE webpage, google KDHE AND district offices:
Rex’s Bluefish Story
Music for Fish Kill Boys-Audionautix “Heavy Action” with comic lyric by John “Crappie Hippie” King
“Fish Kill, Fish Kill, the Rainbow Fish was murdered by industrial swill,
No D.O., Nowhere to go, suffocated, belly up, they’ll swim no more,
Fish Kill, what if you had gills? We sow our own destruction Fish Kill!” (big explosion, black confetti rains down)